Microsoft Azure visibility

Surveil Insights: Azure – Cloud Visibility & Optimisation

Open Course

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Surveil Academy – Open Course

Closed Course

One-on-one with our team and yours

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Refresh your memory of material covered in related Foundation sessions.

Engage and excite your clients with the power to explore and engage with their Azure environment with unrivalled clarity created by Surveil. This fast paced, interactive session will show you how Surveil having full cloud visibility, allows for Surveil’s unique AI helps to create recommendations and help you reduce wastage and optimise your environment.

Duration: 30 Mins




Learning Objectives

  • See the value of having full cloud visibility
  • Discover recommendations and optimisation opportunities
  • Learn to breakdown & measure your environment with true business context
  • Understand these insights revealed by Surveil and how to match them to personas


None, though learners may wish to complete a Foundation course first for contextual understanding.


Who’s It For?

Sales Teams looking to be able to quickly and effectively navigate to relevant Surveil dashboards during conversations with prospects and customers.

Surveil Academy

Open Course

Join an upcoming public course

Surveil Academy – Open Course

Closed Course

One-on-one with our team and yours

Register for Surveil Academy