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International Soft Drinks Giant Optimises Licence Usage with Surveil

2 min read

There’s a common misconception that licence optimisation is all about cost. There are, however, benefits to focusing on the likes of licence adoption and usage – as one Surveil customer recently discovered.

Although saving on costs is a driver for many businesses, licence optimisation has a wide range of benefits that go beyond cost-cutting exercises. In fact, licence optimisation is gaining growing recognition for the role it can play in improving business efficiency, decision making, and innovation.

An international soft drinks brand that had not yet explored the potential of licence optimisation decided to take steps towards this goal. Before beginning their licence optimisation journey, they were facing several challenges in terms of managing their users and how they adopted Microsoft technologies. Primarily, the drinks brand lacked the visibility required to assess individual licence usage – an ability which would allow them to strategically improve licence uptake and Microsoft ROI.

In order to better understand how individual users were interacting with Microsoft licences, the customer undertook a Surveil Health Check. The free-of-charge nature and read-only requirement of the Health Check enabled them to focus on the important priorities, confident that the Surveil platform was securely creating a snapshot.

The resulting Health Check report highlighted individual licence usage and opened up potential for greater user management. The customer was able to understand which licences were being adopted, how usage varied, and where they could make strategic changes to optimise their licensing. Surveil’s licence planning insights were particularly instrumental in uncovering in-depth usage and adoption knowledge.

As a result, the international soft drinks brand was able to take steps towards maximising their Microsoft investment by tackling low usage and adoption across the organisation. This in turn allowed for greater ROI on licences as well as providing the information needed to support future licence planning and better manage their users.

The customer’s experience highlights the varied benefits of optimisation beyond simple cost reduction – as well as the value found in an in-depth analytical snapshot, courtesy of the Surveil Health Check.

Want a Surveil success story like this for your customers? Find out more about Surveil and our partner programme on our website, or get in touch directly to arrange a sneak peek.

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